Rust Robotics ToolKit

One year ago today, RRTK's first version, 0.1.0, was released! To celebrate, RRTK 0.7.0-alpha.0, introducing compile-time dimensional analysis, is released today, as well as a draft of the specification for Stream Builder's new file format, RSB, and a prototype parser for it. RRTK has come very far since its initial version, and and hopefully it will have come even further next year.

RRTK, etc.

RRTK: page | Documentation | Repository

RRTK Procedural Macros: page | Documentation | Repository

Stream Builder, etc.

RRTK Stream Builder: page | Repository

RRTK RSB Specification: Book | Repository

RRTK RSB Parser: page | Documentation | Repository

More coming on this page soon.